Right now you may be thinking that you are not sure you have the goods to earn a sponsorship ... But if you ride and love to ride, then you are halfway there. The beauty of the Flight Crew is that it presents an opportunity for the every man. Airborne is looking for individuals with a passion and people that are social media savvy. Do you have a blog, website, hyper-active Facebook page, or some special skills they may want? Are you a Photographer, Daredevil, Trail advocate, or something else that may interest them?
Don't wait, get your application together and send it in as the deadline is Feb. 19th. You can find out a lot more about the requirements, Schwag offered, and you can view their full line of bikes which encompass everything from XC/Trail to DH to Cyclocross offerings at their website : www.airbornebicycles.com/flightcrewapplication.aspx
Or if your already completely sold and just want to jump straight to the application, Have at it here : www.airbornebicycles.com/media/6180/2012_airborne_flight_crew_membership_app.pdf