I keep promising myself that I will blog with more frequency, yet it hasn't happened. The process of generating content that is worth your time, and not just for my own benefit of seeing my thoughts on a page : can be a creative jigsaw puzzle. This blog starts with a warning and you will soon understand what I mean. This blog is the equivalent of the abstract bucket of paint thrown on the wall to later be called art. Some of you may not enjoy this as much as some of the past blogs, while others may think its visionary in its own way. This blog is all the things you have come to expect : material about cycling, comments on my life and kids, and insight into TheDirtyWheel and what we have in store. The difference is that this time its like a OTB (Over The Bars) somersault on a steep descent. The thoughts are all connected with a single theme : "GROWTH" , the problem is they have taken a spin cycle and left you to collect them and take inventory of the situation.
Growth - \Noun\ ˈgrōth
progressive development : evolution
This is the definition we will focus on as it is so important in every portion of our lifes. In everything we do, including cycling , this natural progression is necessary for us as humans to survive. Lately, there has been an abundance of growth in my life that I need to share. The two biggest things to happen in the month since I last rambled in your brain : would be my son's personal growth and TheDirtyWheel taking significant strides in its success. My son is 5 years old which is over 1800 days on this planet and while some days its seems like they crawl, momentous occasions have a way of putting life into warp speed. My son has started regularly riding with me on the dirt. During these excursions he has said things that I will never forget and the bonding is priceless. Sure these aren't full blown trail rides and I mostly get to play around on my bike whille his legs spin furiously to keep up. But I am in no hurry for that day when he hucks his first ramp, clears his first gap, etc. " Dad I love you ... this is sooo awesome, just the boys get to ride ..." he said as we rode the levee with the sun setting. It sounds made up , yet I couldn't have written it if I tried " Your right, this is the best little man"!
Growth - \Noun\ ˈgrōth
progressive development : evolution
This is the definition we will focus on as it is so important in every portion of our lifes. In everything we do, including cycling , this natural progression is necessary for us as humans to survive. Lately, there has been an abundance of growth in my life that I need to share. The two biggest things to happen in the month since I last rambled in your brain : would be my son's personal growth and TheDirtyWheel taking significant strides in its success. My son is 5 years old which is over 1800 days on this planet and while some days its seems like they crawl, momentous occasions have a way of putting life into warp speed. My son has started regularly riding with me on the dirt. During these excursions he has said things that I will never forget and the bonding is priceless. Sure these aren't full blown trail rides and I mostly get to play around on my bike whille his legs spin furiously to keep up. But I am in no hurry for that day when he hucks his first ramp, clears his first gap, etc. " Dad I love you ... this is sooo awesome, just the boys get to ride ..." he said as we rode the levee with the sun setting. It sounds made up , yet I couldn't have written it if I tried " Your right, this is the best little man"!